Design Standards

A Note on Style Definitions

The style definitions provided in this resource are intended to assist NSWFAA members in understanding and applying the guidelines established by the Australian Floral Art Association Manual 2024. These definitions serve as a foundation for creating floral designs that adhere to the association’s standards and promote a unified approach to floral design in Australia.

Examples of design styles as defined by the Australian Floral Art Association Inc Manual.
Abstract designAbstractAssemblageAssemblageBasic ModernBasic Modern
Cascade WaterfallCascadeCascade TraditionalCascade – TraditionalClassicalClassical
CollageCollageNSWFAACombined Line MassNicheComposite Exhibit or Niche
ContemporaryContemporaryCreative LineCreative LineCreative MassCreative Mass
Decorative StructureDecorative StructureOn a PedestalDesign ON a PedestalNSWFAADiagonal
European InfluencedEuropean InfluencedFloor DesignFloor DesignFoliageFoliage Design
Formal BowlFormal BowlFormal LinearFormal LinearFormal Trough Fan ShapeFormal Trough, Urn
Formal VaseFormal VaseFree ExpressionFree ExpressionFree FormFree Form
Free StyleFreeStyleGarlandGarlandHand tiedHand Tied
Hogarth CurveHogarth CurveHorizontalHorizontalInverted CrescentInverted Crescent
Mobile Floral DesignKinetic Design – MobileStabile Floral DesignKinetic Design - StabileStamobile Floral DesignKinetic Design – Stamobile
landscapeLandscape DesignVegetative DecorativeLandscape Vegetativeline-on-lineLine On Line
Modern MassModern Massmodern wallhangingModern Wall HangingNaturalisticNaturalistic
New ConventionNew ConventionNew waveNew Waveparallel decorativeParallel – Decorative
formal-parallelParallel – Formalgraphic-parallelParallel – Graphicinformal-parallelParallel – Informal
Parallel-intersectingParallel – IntersectingParallel-vegetativeParallel – VegetativepavePave
PedestalPedestal DesignPeriod Design - 1950sPeriod Design – 20th Century 1940s and 1950sPeriod Design - 1960sPeriod Design – 1960s
1970sPeriod Design – 1970sPeriod Design - American ColonialPeriod Design – American ColonialPeriod Design - Art DecoPeriod Design – Art Deco
Period Design - Art NouveauPeriod Design – Art Nouveau or EdwardianPeriod Design - BaroquePeriod Design – BaroquePeriod Design - ByzantinePeriod Design – Byzantine
Period Design - ChinesePeriod Design – ChineseDutch FlemishPeriod Design – Dutch and FlemishPeriod Design - EgyptianPeriod Design – Egyptian
Period design - French RococoPeriod Design – French Baroque and RococoPeriod Design - RococoPeriod Design – RococoPeriod Design - Italian RenaissancePeriod Design – Italian Renaissance
Period Design - GeorgianPeriod Design – GeorgianNSWFAAPeriod Design – GrecianPeriod Design-JapanesePeriod Design – Japanese
Period Design - VictorianPeriod Design – VictorianPetitePetitePhoenixPhoenix
PlaquePlaqueWired posyPosypot-et-fleurPot et Fleur
sculpturalSculptureSplit LevelSplit LevelStackingStacking
Still Life ModernStill Life – ModernStill Life TraditionalStill Life – TraditionalStrauss bouquetStrauss Bouquet
Hand Tied SheafTied SheafTopiaryTopiaryTussie MussieTussie Mussie
UnderwaterUnderwaterVegetative DecorativeVegetative DecorativeVegetative WreathVegetative Wreath

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